I graduated high school at the age of 15 with one of the highest grades in the class. She told me I’d never succeed at being a mother and I have amazing young men that I am proud to call sons. She told me I’d never succeed at anything and here I am with several degrees, a published author and 2 amazing businesses fulfilling my dream.
My foster mother didn’t have much faith in me and it wasn’t always easy. In fact, it was so incredibly hard at times because of self-sabotage. I didn’t believe I could do any of these things, despite the accumulating evidence of when I achieved one more thing.
The day I decided that I had enough of a miserable life, living paycheck to paycheck is really the day that propelled to change. I wasn’t sure how I was going to change or what was going to change, but I knew that I no longer wanted to have a poverty mindset. It isn’t easy when you don’t know where your money struggles and issue come from because in foster care, well you are taken care off. I went on vacation, I had clothes and I even had an allowance. Even though I didn’t know, I made the goal to increase my income.
Having graduated with a master’s degree, it was time to put it to good use. I started out as a part-time counselor and already increased my money by this simple action. About a year and a half later, I wanted more. I wanted a full-time salary with benefits and I began the conversations with my boss and eventually, after months of talk, it happened. At this point, I doubled my income and I knew I was onto something.
It is incredibly amazing the change that happens when you are willing to put in the work, and you are open to the possibilities. Change is scary when you are comfortable in the crisis of your circumstances, but you don’t have to stay there. Sometimes changes will occur in the moment you decided to fulfill a dream.
The moment you tell the universe that you want something, the universe and your mind combined will start to work together and lead you to the tools, books, and people you need to explore. You will still need to do the work, like to read the book on how to deal with your money issues or how to gain confidence by completing small action steps.
Sometimes getting started is incredibly hard, but the reward is so wonderful you will sit back and be amazed what you just accomplished!
So, go out and succeed because you are the only person that can hold you back from cultivating your dreams and grow an incredible life.