Do you take responsibility for yourself? For how you feel? Think? Act?
Or do you blame others for your struggle and your frustration?
It’s easy to look at other people and point the finger at them for our challenges. But there is so much more power in taking responsibility for yourself.
Let me share with an example.
I blamed my mother for struggling to be a good parent and have a good relationship with others.
I blamed my father for being controlling and not loving me enough and cherishing the alcohol even more.
For years, I blamed my foster parents for the abuse I have endured and how difficult my life had been.
I blamed the social workers and guardians for my misery because they didn’t give me the support I needed.
I was giving them the power over my life.
Yes, a lot has happened to me, but the real power lies within not allowing it to dictate my life. Over the years, I have become quite the self-awareness junkie, questioning each thought and action. It helped me identify the root cause and now it was up to me to take responsibility to act.
To create the life, you want, to see the miracle that it is, you need to take ownership and responsibility of your own actions, and most importantly your thoughts.
It allows you to make decisions based on your internal guidance system.
Being a person that acknowledges this responsibility will help you feel empowered. Because you are making the change, you are taking the action. You decide how you feel. You decide how you will respond in each moment.
While adulting may be hard, taking responsibility brings growth.
I recently launched The Backstage Pass Video Series to help you follow your dreams + focus on your goals.
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