Turning Life’s Challenges into Opportunities March 20, 2023 When life throws you a curveball, it can be tough to keep your head up. All of a sudden, the world seems like a…
How to own your own power and be unstoppable July 29, 2020 You are a powerful being and you probably don’t even recognize it. You’ve been conditioned to think that being powerful is wrong and that…
Setting Goals To Grow Your Business June 19, 2020 Setting goals to grow your business are needed because you can easily get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running your business. You…
How you deal with challenges, matters March 19, 2020 How you deal with challenges matters, no matter how big or small. You will encounter some difficulties and unexpectedly negative situations as you go…
With all Due Respect July 5, 2019 A while back there was a post that shared the graphic that asked the following question: Do you believe that families fall apart once…
My Coming out Story – sort of June 12, 2019 I don’t have a coming out story. And that makes me a lucky and blessed person. That doesn’t mean I didn’t experience conflict. When…
On choices and speaking my truth May 23, 2019 I believe in choices! I believe that your values do not have to be the same as someone else’s and that no one has…
The battle with makeup April 24, 2019 A few months ago I read a comment that implied that if you do not wear makeup you are letting yourself go and you…
Look beyond what you know April 14, 2019 I live in Charlottesville. The place where we experienced a lot of hate in the last two years – it’s always been here –…
When are you going to be an upstander? January 24, 2019 I am pissed. Pissed that another child took his own life because he was bullied for having a colostomy bag. Pissed because people and…