I am a huge advocate for NEVER EVER giving up on your dream. The reality is however that we create a barrier of fear and sometimes we have to take detours to really affirm what brings us the fire of what we really want to create.
Being clear about your dream and why you want this dream are only the first steps in turning them into reality. I will tell you that if you don’t know your why, you need to go ahead and figure out.
A really simple way to do this is by brainstorming all the reason you want your dream and the one that gets you super excited or brings you to tears, that’s your why.
Once you have discovered your why and committed to your dream the real work begins and here are 5 things to help you!
- You will need to do the work because no one can do it for you. Dreams are earned! This requires research and learning everything about it and thanks to the interwebs there are amazing resources!
- You will need to reach out and ask for support! You can try doing it alone but I am telling you that you are only making it harder for yourself this way. Find yourself a mentor or a coach who has done what you want to do! They have the experiences to share and help you along the way.
- Recognize they are always doubters and naysayers. We all have limiting beliefs and there are tools and resources to overcome them, but there are also people who believe that you can’t because of their own beliefs, get on your team. Know that this is their issue, not yours. Mindset work is one of the best things you can do for yourself, but it’s also the hardest work you will do. Once you get through those limiting beliefs, everything else will be easier.
- Watch your language and discover your barriers. What you tell yourself is your reality. If you say I can’t, well then you won’t. But if you get up in the morning and tell yourself “today is going to be awesome because I CAN take the next step, it will transform your world. Keep track of your thoughts throughout the day and see how many times you don’t really believe that you can have your dream, then start making the decision to change your thoughts. This means every time you get a limiting belief or thought, turn it around into a positive statement or affirmation.
- Respect yourself to take time for you. When going after your dream you can’t focus on it 24 hours a day. You must distract yourself with other fun activities. You need to put self-care and self-love as numero uno! Always. It’s so important that we include a self-care practice that honors us as we are creating this amazing positive change in our lives.
I want to hear from you! What are your limiting beliefs and how will you conquer them.