When someone asks you “Who do you love”, do you include yourself?
All too often we take a seat in the back when it comes to the love department – not by others – but from ourselves. One of the things I learned as a mother, and as a partner, if I don’t love myself, how on earth could the love me?
When I finally had enough of the struggle and frustration, and I started to show myself love more and more each day, the better my life became.
Loving yourself may feel weird and odd and may even be considered self-fish, except that it isn’t. Loving yourself is honoring you, your wants and needs, that frankly other people can’t give you, no matter how much you think they can.
Spend time Alone
Yea this is totally a thing. Go for a walk, practice some yoga, read or just sit on the porch. It takes a bit of courage to spend time alone and will feel a bit weird to be disconnected from social media or people, but your soul and you will cherish time alone, to have a sense of self.
Shift your focus
Don’t look for external sources to feel good or be validated. Instead go within, talk to your soul and connect with your intuition about how you can feel good. What can you do that honors you? How can you create a life that allows you to feel good that isn’t about how thin you are, how tanned you are or how much money you have in the bank?
Change your eating habits
Food says so much about our emotional and physical health, and yes at times is definitely one of the hardest things to change. Why? Well, because we have built an emotional attachment to food and how it supports us – good and bad. I am not saying to not eat junk food or have drinks that may not be up to par with the nutritional standards. What I am saying is that we already know what we need to change, we just need to decide and make it happen.
Get moving
Movement can be many things. It can mean walking, dancing, running, going to the gym and so much more. It doesn’t have to be for a long time, sometimes 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening can be enough. But by moving your body, you allow the body to do its work as it is designed to do.
Speak your truth
Use your voice and speak your truth even if your voice shakes. Don’t sway from your beliefs just because it isn’t popular with some people. Loving ourselves is in part following your passions, stand up for our beliefs and we should never have to apologize for who we are.