See Your Dream and Hold Your Vision – Always

visionWe all want a better, improved an amazing life. Let’s not kid us around that and sometimes we are stuck in the dreaming mode because we don’t really know how to make it all happen.
And then, just like that, we get a glimpse of the steps to take. So, you make your list of all the things you need to do and you hold that vision of the end goal.
But then life throws you a curveball and everything comes to a halt.
This is exactly what happened to me 8 years ago.
I had started my art business in 2005, working from home and loving every minute of it. what I didn’t love was that my youngest was going undiagnosed with what we later learned was a potentially fatal genetic disorder. I knew it in my gut, however.
Fast forward to 2007.
I blended my family and relocated to a new area and life was grand, minus the unknown piece about my kiddo. I worked on my art business, got a job and life was as good as it gets.
But I had bigger dreams and I wanted to help people. I wanted to help improve their lives and go after their own dreams, but again I had no idea on how to make that happen.
Then we received the diagnosis for my son and we lived in emergency crisis mode because his disorder was so unpredictable that going after my dreams was tough. But it was also the life changing moment I needed.
You see, I don’t want people to wait until an accident, a diagnosis or anything else to happen before they go after their dream. And despite the new challenges of food control and medication management, I went back to college.
I’ve always been a go-go person and keeping busy because during those idle times I had too much time to think and didn’t want to feel how my world was literally turned upside down. It has taken me years to recover from the trauma that ensued through his liver transplants and the grief of not having normal (normal being relative) functioning child.
As special needs parents, we grief all the things our kiddos may or may not accomplish because we have dreams for them. We want them to go after everything they desire and want in life.
As I started to heal from the pain and the crisis removed itself from our lives, my dreams emerged again more vividly. They never really left but I just didn’t know how to care for my kiddo, maintain a happy family and go after a life of adventure and freedom that I craved so much.
In the process of my healing from grief, sadness, and the trauma, I realized I had a choice.
I had a choice to play the victim and continue to share how difficult it all has been OR I could just make a choice of going after what it is I want with confidence and courage. Because I knew I had courage, this part was evident.
I pulled up my big girl panties and started working on my mindset. I needed to believe that I can be successful, that I can have the business of my dreams and a life full of adventure.
I worked as a therapist and learned the skills and really got some insight on how other people view the world, their challenges and figured out ways how I could help them, knowing I had done all the work myself already.
I tapped into my intuitiveness and stopped being so hard on myself and just be present with each client during their own struggle. And now when I help clients in my business, this is like the icing on my cake, it feels so damn amazing when I see them act after a conversation.
But the point is, we all get curveballs thrown at us. Those are the moments testing our strength and confidence in our dream and in our vision. And if you really believe in your dream, no matter how many curveballs your get threw at you, you will make it happen.
Some will call this divine timing. I will just think of it there is something that needed to be learned before you were or are ready for the next time.
For me, it was simply just learning how to feel and love myself first and allow myself to feel confident in my abilities to help others. For you, this may be something entirely different.
Everything we go through, whether it be positive or negative, allows us to learn something about ourselves. And the bottom line is that self-awareness is the crucial part of taking the next step forward.
May you always see your dream and hold the vision no matter where your journey takes you!

About the author

Petra Monaco is an artist, author, and professional problem solver for creatives, rebels, and multi-passionates.

She is here to help you remove frustration from your life and achieve your creative dreams with more ease and confidence.

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