As it’s the last day of 2019 it’s great for a Year-End Reflection! I am in awe of how different everything is and yet in some ways still the same!
Year-End Reflection is a great time for
- Acknowledging your accomplishments
- Celebrate your achievements
- Review what you have learned
- Consider what could be improved
- Figure out what you’re passionate about and brings you joy
It’s a great time to recognize your accomplishments and celebrate the things you’ve achieved.
A year ago, I launched The Rebels Den, creating something that to this day I still feel like is bigger than me. As a multi-passionate and creative one of the biggest challenges has been making all the pieces fit. And I feel like I finally pulled this off. I get to write every day. I get to share life and business knowledge. I get to interview amazing people that are following their dreams and goals.

- I have shared over 52 conversations with you, be it in a blog post interview or a video interview.
- I have published 336 blog posts, and a few of them come from guest contributors.
- I added over 200 people to my email list when I started off with 43 people and have a system in place to keep that going
- I have had the best year (so far) financially in my business.
- I have increased my blog views from 200 a month to over 6500 a month (7457 as of this writing of the post)
- I have helped people reach milestones and goals!
- Attended three festivals and gone to over 20 concerts/shows
- I went camping with friends and unplugged for an entire weekend
- I merged one business with another and feel less scattered
- Created 2 websites for friends because I wanted to and I could – One for FYM Reacts and one of Seasons – and I am really proud of them!
Reviewing what the lessons were that you’ve received helps you recognize the change and growth you’ve made because sometimes you don’t really see it until you take time to sit down and recognize the lessons.

This year I have learned:
- That you can make all the pieces fit if you allow yourself to do things differently than everyone else
- It’s okay to put yourself out there because well dreams and goals aren’t achieved sitting on the sidelines
- The person you are in life is the person you need to be in business – real, raw and flawed
- Mapping out my content months in advance helps me be more productive and makes room for more of what I want to do
- I’m tired of being the peacekeeper and it’s time to stop being quiet
- To stop doing things in business without contracts now most of my offers will have this in place automatically
- To listen to my body more i.e. when to rest, when to eat, when to move
- It’s okay to acknowledge shit days with your friends and vent a little
- Business relationships are important to develop and nurture
- Reading Fiction has done more for my business than non-fiction
And while I don’t believe in mistakes because we all make the best decisions in every given moment with the knowledge we have right then, it’s a great time to look at how we could have done things differently and use that information going forward!

Things I can improve:
- Stop being so quiet, I am not really quiet when you meet me in person and you can’t get to know me if I don’t become more vocal and visible
- Stick to my plan which is really hard for someone who gets ideas all the time and wants to take immediate action.
- Patience isn’t something I do well which is weird considering the number of moments in my life I had to be patient
- Tell more people what I do and how I can help them and share my offerings
- Continue to let go and release the mindset chatter and worry about what people think (people that I’ve known for a long time)
- Go after my dreams and goals unapologetically by continued consistent action! Schedules matter even for creatives!
- Write more! Every day without fail in my journal to stay focused and my head clear!
- Reach out to friends when I am going through something that could benefit from a different perspective or just a bit of support
- Follow-up with potential clients, prospective guests for my interviews
- Stop caring about the things and people that don’t matter in my life but don’t stop caring to the point of becoming an asshole
It’s also important to give it a bit of a think about what you can do to keep going, to move forward with following your dreams and goals. This has been by far the best year yet, and I can’t wait to see how things keep unfolding!
Things I plan on doing moving forward:
- Continue interviewing people who follow their dreams and goals
- Keep writing every day for The Rebels Den
- Find guest writers that want to contribute
- Make more art not necessarily every day but just more
- Keep going to festivals, concerts, and shows
- Nurture me and honor my needs before
- Stop giving things away for free (service, product, time)
- Reach out to friends to just hang out and have a great time together
- Stay focused on my lane because not all journeys are the same
- Spend more time outside in nature – hiking or running
And I think of of the most important things for a Year-End Reflection is to take note of your passions and the things that bring you joy. I found that the more things I do that bring me joy the easier life and business have become!
Things that bring me joy and fuel my passion:
- Music: Listen to it, go to concerts, shows, and festivals
- Support: Those who follow their dreams and focus on their goals
- Art: Do more art because it keeps me grounded
- Travel: Go on random road trips destination unknown
- Read: Keep reading the fiction books I love
- Nature: Go hiking, go running jus be outside
- Write: Keep writing because I have things to say
- Food: I love cooking and I want to explore more in the kitchen
- Friends: Spend more time with them
- Family: Spend time with them more often
As 2019 comes to an end, consider the following for your Year-End Reflection:
- What have you accomplished?
- What can you celebrate?
- What have you learned?
- What can be improved?
- What are you passionate about
- What brings you joy?