Engel Jones through his podcast conversations around the world has 12-minute convo’s with amazing people online. he set out to break a podcast conversational record. He recorded 1001 conversations in 3 months – and this is conversation #924!
This is what it looks like to take a dream, believe in it and then take action. To make the call out for people to be interviewed and then allow the conversations to happen as they will.
And how cool to keep the dialogue to 12-minute conversations – that takes some skill to be able to control the flow and end the conversation on time.
I help you take inspired action, bring your life to a new level of awesome and get into to the how of making it happen.
Engel: What is one of your Talents from us meeting?
Me: Being observant online and paying attention!
Engel: Where did you learn that skill from?
Me: This is a life long skill that I’ve mastered over the years.
Engel’s questions where on point – and light. I’m not going to write out the transcript because I would really love for you to take the moment and just listen.
Since this conversation, I’ve rebranded my business under a new name although my work remains the same or at least similar enough.
This interview was recorded in 2017 and a lot of it is in fact still true because I am all about helping you ditch your excuses and show up to do the work.
So take a moment, listen to the conversation and then go off the thing you’ve been wanting to do!