Somewhere we have lost to notion to give ourselves permission to dream big! Remember when you were little and you were dreaming about all the things you would do one day. You knew that when you were all grown up you would be
- a dancer
- an artist
- an astronaut
- a doctor
- a veterinarian
- a writer
- a police officer
- a firefighter
- a lawyer
- a rancher
And the list goes on and on. And it changed all the time because when you were little, you wanted to do all the things.
And the adults in your life, they smiled at your ability to dream, wishing to never need or want to crush your dreams. And as you got older, slowly you were told to be realistic while still supporting the notion that you can be anything you wanted to be, with hard work of course.
And their let downs were sometimes gentle, sometimes not so much. But it was their own projection, their own regret and their own fears that stopped them from doing what they love and becoming who they wanted to be… who they were inside on the deep.
But there is so much beauty in being a human and having the amazing brains you do. You can change our mind.
I once thought that I wanted to be a certified public accountant. I am good with the details and Accounting 101 came easily to me. It’s not that I loved math or anything but tracking all the financial business needs, it was fun. For a while anyway.
But then I started working in an office for 8 hours a day. Day in and day out it was the exact same thing. Review this, write a check for that and balance whatever needed balancing.
I was bored out of my freaking mind. The only thing that pretty much kept me going was my artwork. And I simultaneously decided to start selling my work. The work I have been given away for free for the better of 10 years.
And I realized that I lost the ability to dream big over the years due to no fault of my own.
As kids, we are told to dream big.
As teens, we are told to get real.
And we are left with mixed messages: to dream big or not to dream big. We are left in the middle of the confusion. To go after our dreams to not go after our dreams.
And frankly, that’s a problem. There isn’t a class that teaches us how to be happy. I absolutely believe that abundance and happiness comes from doing purpose work and choose things that bring us joy.
Sure, some things we may want to do may require a clear-cut trajectory and maybe for *some* things it may be a little too late. And yet at the same time, I totally believe, anything and everything IS possible.
All you need to do is give yourself permission.
Give yourself permission to believe that you can.
Give yourself permission that you can figure out how.
Give yourself permission to be, do and have whatever the heck it is you want.
Because the reality is, the only one and the only thing that is stopping you is YOU!