I’ve known Lisa since 2015 and had joined a mastermind she was hosting with a friend. And Lisa is all about imperfect action which in part actually lead me to write a book within 2 weeks.
While being part of the mastermind, I made some amazing things happen while in that mastermind, such as having an article published on the Huffington Post.
A few months later, Lisa asked me to be part of her then radio show – and of
I fully believe in taking the cake and eating it too but it doesn’t come with ease. It comes with commitment and hardworking to make everything happen.
When I wrote the book Dream, Believe, Take Action – it was with the intention to help you go the next step – to take that dream, believe in it and yourself and then leap into action to make it all happen.
Lisa wondered why my life story isn’t a movie yet and asked me who would play my character – but then the more important questions became how one goes from “Foster Kid reject to Foster Kid success”.
Mindset work is incredibly important to not only how you see yourself but how you see your life unfold. And here’s the thing, you don’t need a coach – you can do this on your own – through reading copious amounts of books or any other resources – as long as you commit to doing the work.
And no matter how much mindset work you do, there will always be challenges but when you have a healthy dose of optimism with a positive attitude of not quitting, anything is truly possible.
You can always rewrite your story if you’re willing to take the time. Listen to the conversation and find out what helped me before I discovered coaching!