When you are down and out, hit rock bottom and don’t even know how to pay your rent, put food on the table or know how you are getting to work, it’s hard as shit to be grateful for anything.
And then, to top it off people around you tell you, you should be grateful you are alive, or be grateful for the things you do have. And therein lies the problem, it’s supported by a “Should”, and we never ought to do things that have that heavy feeling of should.
And then, sure you can be grateful that you are living, but that doesn’t help if you have zero money to feed yourself or your kids. And yes, I have been there many moons ago.
And I am all about positivity and reframing thoughts and coming in from a different perspective, but fuck sometimes that shit is hard but no one wants to really talk about the hard stuff.
The stuff where you
- have a hard time getting out of bed
- where you are sobbing because you can’t see a way out
- putting on a face just so no one will bug you with “are you okay and be grateful”.
And in those moments when you are feeling all those feelings, gratitude doesn’t do a damn thing for you. Life is life and shit happens – the good, the bad and the ugly. And I am all about feeling your shit when you are in it. But I also know there is a way out.
A way out of
- frustration
- struggle
- heartache
I know this because I have lived this – but let’s be honest gratitude alone didn’t get me out of this. Looking at where I am, where I want to go and what I can do about it, and then taking action got me out of this.
Because you do end up in the dump sometimes, and you do feel all the negativity and for heaven’s sake, feel that shit. Because only when you allow that feeling can you get clear on your vision. And while I do practice gratitude every single day, there are still days that are complete and utter shit. And all the gratitude in the world won’t change the feelings or thoughts around.
- Getting clear on your vision
- Mapping out a plan
- Letting go of the shit
- Taking Action
- Actively participate in your own change
Gratitude does not always help but digging in your heels and committing to doing what’s necessary – now that will help!
That – that right there will change your life around and to help you get started, I’ve created a free 5-day e-course to do just that – to set the goals, map out your actions and create a life that feels good and abundant.