Goal Planning and Personal Development

15+ years ago I embarked on a path of goal planning and personal development to move myself to a new life. I learned a lot about what I wanted in life, how I handle stress and the thoughts that were holding me back. I mulled through and became clear of my thoughts and acknowledged my values to align myself with who I am personally and professionally.

One thing I can tell you is that the life you are living now has long been handed to you from childhood and life experiences, and that perhaps along the way you got lost by conforming to who people told you to be. But you have the power to reclaim your life!

When I was in my 20’s I believed that I was destined to a miserable life always comparing myself to my own parents. For what?

My parents were unable to raise me and I was brought up in foster care. I had to work through forgiveness but further, I needed to muddle through some of the negative self-talk and negative thinking I had embodied due to my circumstances.

And it all begins with a choice to step out of the shadows. Becoming a better person, actively working towards your goals and learning to be flexible when change is about to happen is something that comes with practice.

You can choose to be positive or you can choose to complain and blame everyone else for your current life situation.

This will not be an easy feat because you will absolutely come across a resistance. Know you are not alone on this journey and that tools and resources are available to you when you’re ready to commit.

If you are unclear about what you want that’s okay – through conversations you’ll uncover what it is you really want and with support and guidance you will set some solid goals and take the actions to help you get there.

Rebel Kickstart is for you if you are ready to ditch the excuses and start taking action towards the kind of life you’ve been dreaming about. You don’t have to go into the journey of goal planning and personal development alone in order to achieve your dreams.

About the author

Petra Monaco is an artist, author, and professional problem solver for creatives, rebels, and multi-passionates.

She is here to help you remove frustration from your life and achieve your creative dreams with more ease and confidence.

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