Life is too short to live out of integrity, without your truth and following your deepest desires. When you can’t show up as you in any given situation, everything will feel like a crapshoot. And you are doing yourself and everyone around you a huge disservice. It’s time to find the spark within you!
And while it may not be something you want to do, sometimes you must let other’s down in the pursuit of being who you are, doing the things you love and having what you so deeply desire. Standing in integrity will call in your truth and make space for you in this world – and while it may feel like you walk it alone, I promise you that you are not.
Because the moment you are living in your truth, your people will show themselves to you and before you know it, you are surrounded by the most amazing circle of people ever imagined. Showing up fully in your truth doesn’t always mean you have to speak. Instead, allow your being to share the space by holding space.
Sometimes the world gets filled with so many words and no one really listens because we are so busy trying to fix all the problems. However, listening and holding space doesn’t need fixing. It merely means to love the other person exactly where they are and see them. Something just being seen can mean all the difference in the world.
And so I propose a challenge of finding your own inner spark with 30 Days of Imperfect Action!
I want to walk through the mud with you and sling it around as life is crazy and chaotic and you can’t see a single thing because the storm has caused quite the undoing of things. And I want to be there, to listen, to see you and be present when life is in that crazy spiral where you can’t see up or down because there’s so much damn mud.
And I want to be there as the mud hardens and things become clear again and you are able to find your footing on your path. I want to celebrate the ish out of you because you are absolutely freaking amazing for showing up when it would have been easier to fall into the mudslide to never be seen again. Give yourself the support and community that will help you rise above all that gets in the way because when we join together – we all rise together.
Some times it takes something radical so you can be finding the spark inside yourself.