No matter what kind of situation you may find yourself in, there are mindset shifts you can do today to help you see through them.
Mindset is one of those things that comes into your awareness when you allow possibility into your life. If you have never heard about mindset before, it is about how we think about our life, ourselves and our dreams.
Here are a few tips that can help you shift your mindset:
Detach from the outcome
This can be a challenge because we want what we want when we want it but dreams are earned and you must take action but your focus shouldn’t be on the result because you will find yourself frustrated that it is taking forever to come to live – whatever it is that you want.
Step away from the shiny object syndrome
You don’t need another course or this or that to go after your dream. You can tap into your own wisdom that helps you bring to life your dreams. Just get really clear on what it is you want, create an action plan and take action. Start journaling about your wants, needs and desires and allow your plan of action to emerge.
Trust that you are unique enough
No one is like you. We may all have the same experiences but the way we feel them, handle them and share them is unique to us. No one is like you.
Money doesn’t determine your worth
Money is money but you can’t nor should you allow it to determine your worth. I don’t care if you make $7.00/hour or $100/hour – this is not your value. Your value is what you bring into this world and frankly, that is so much more than money – seriously.
Always act from a place of abundance and never from a place of lack
When we act from abundance and live with gratitude of all that we have right here right now, we are all ready to incredibly rich in our lives. The more we focus on what we don’t have the more we bring in of that lack feeling. Begin each day with 3 things you are grateful for in a journal or in your head.
Allow yourself to be playful
When we are having fun, and allow yourself to be playful in our work and with our friends and families, life is just much more pleasurable. If it isn’t fun, is it worth it? Maybe but maybe not so much. Life is about having a great time and we should have more fun.
Allow your fear
All too often we steer away from fear because we think we must always focus on the positive. Instead, when we embrace fear and allow it to come in, we can look at it and learn from it. Fear allows us to grow and transform our lives because we can challenge it, and who doesn’t like a challenge? Ok maybe not everyone but give it a try anyway.
Trust your intuition
Get in a relationship with your intuition and trust it. Whatever your gut tells you is usually right on the money, so-to-speak. Listen to it, honor it and respect it. My intuition has never steered me wrong but I haven’t always given it the trust that it deserves.
You can embrace and do all these little mindset shifts today and allow them to have a big impact in your life no matter where you are on your journey.
I re-released the 2018 Rebel Shine Summit – 24 amazing conversations about rising above from whatever is holding you back. It’s free!