For many years I didn’t understand what mindset was. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t even part of my vocabulary. What I do know is that a successful mindset for me was all was a part of who I am. This is how and why I was able to face many challenges I encountered through the years.
I’ve compiled a list of 18 ways to create a Strong Mindset
Use what feels good, try new things and trust that you have what it takes to create the life you want.
Be open
It’s through openness that we are allowing us to be willing to see opportunities and possibilities. We obtain information when we are needing it the most. It’s the magnetic way of coexisting with the universe.
Be optimistic
A negative and pessimistic mind has never achieved anything successfully unless you consider living in misery a success. Being optimistic is more than just hoping though. It’s about an inner knowing that everything will be as you want it. Maybe not overnight, but in time.
Learn from experience
We have all made mistakes and decisions that ended up being a slap in the face of some kind. It’s in that situation however that you gain so much information that will help you next time you face a similar situation.
Be a student of and for life
Even at the perfect moments, there is something to learn. It’s in those moments we can acknowledge what we did that went well and how we went about it. And even if we are facing new challenges, we can ask you, what do I need to learn to get to where I want to be!
Allow the actions to guide your decisions
Sometimes we do have to act before we make a decision. It’s like trying on that new outfit at the store, deciding if we want to buy it or not. You can always make new decisions!
Challenge the status quo
There’s no right or wrong way in forging your own path, and sometimes that means going against what everyone else is doing or thinking. I believe that we are here to show other’s what their life could feel and be like by simply giving a different perspective.
Process and analyze often
Our thoughts and behavior are intertwined, and we are not always aware of them. When you can acknowledge why you do something, where it stems from (and it’s often from your childhood) you can engage new thoughts and behavior.
Change what you can about yourself
If you are playing small, hiding from you truly are, start there. If you don’t like something about yourself, change it. Want to be more assertive, then seek the information that you will need to be more assertive.
Take the next step even you think you are finished
Sometimes we think we are all finished with something, just to realize that there is another step to take.
Always be true to you
There’s nothing worse than pretending something you are not or now showing up as who you are by hiding behind a charade. You have values and core beliefs that are true to you, show them, live by them.
Start small when necessary and you feel the need to
Sometimes goals can look bigger than Mt. Everest. It’s in those moments that it’s good to remember that no mountain is climbed through big actions, but rather one small step at a time.
Believe in you, your dreams and your journey
If you don’t believe in yourself, who will? You have to without a shadow of a doubt believes in you, your dreams and your journey. Your faith will be tested over and over again and that is what this matters so much.
Have rituals
Have a morning and/or evening routine that helps you shatter the doubts that may have crept up overnight. Be it through journaling, meditating or exercising. Crush those doubts and make them shiver with fear.
Make no excuses
Truly, excuses are only going to keep you playing small and fuel the avoidance of really showing up in this world. No one has ever achieved a goal by saying they can’t do something.
Be relentless
If you want to achieve your dreams and goals you have to keep going after them. like a wolf goes after its prey. (and I may have just been reading too many werewolf books).
View problems as challenges
Stop thinking that they are here to stop you. Instead view them as a challenge, as that next goal and figure out how to overcome it, instead of throwing up your hands and walking away.
Have a vision
If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know that you are arriving at each stopping point? Having a vision of dreams and goals and what you want your life to be like, is of the essence.
Be courageous despite fear
Have the courage to take action even when you are scared. Confidence is creating through doing and not waiting for the right moment. It’s in those actions you can really see how amazing you are!