When it comes to succeeding in life, introspection is a powerful catalyst understanding your personality means your success. Thankfully, today you have access from the comfort of your home to powerful and proven personality test technology that until now was only used in large corporations, psychological circles and education settings.
If you want to know more about yourself, you can spend as little as 15 minutes taking a test that will give you tremendous insight into your own psyche. You’ll learn about both positive and negative factors of your personality that affects all aspects of your life.
Once you learn these parts of your personality, you can work toward actually changing the negatives. You can also find ways to work around the negatives so that you can accentuate the positive aspects of your personality to reach more success than you ever thought possible.
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), heavily influenced by Carl Jung’s work on “Psychological Types” published in 1923, was created by a mother and daughter pair: Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs conducted a study of personality types, due to Katherine’s curiosity of personality types influenced by her daughter’s fiancé’s different personality. Publishing the first finished questionnaire in 1943, it’s been updated and changed over the years to more match not only the times but also new insights into personality that has developed along with the advancement of computer technology.
The test was designed to determine, based on Carl Jung’s four dichotomies:
- What Type of Energy You Have
The type of energy you have is categorized as either an extravert, more commonly spelled extrovert, or an introvert. While you may be a combination of the two, typically you will lean to one side or the other. Extraversion can be described by the way you do things. Extraverts are gregarious, active and enthusiastic. They are expressive with their feelings and like to initiate activities. Whereas introverts are more likely to stand back and be more contained. They are more likely to wait for someone to impart information on them than engage in small talk and can be very reflective and quiet preferring more intimate settings.
- How You Gather Data
Another thing the four dichotomies look at is how you gather data about the world. You may be sensing, or you may be intuitive. What this means is that if you’re a sensing individual you think in more concrete, realistic and practical ways about the world. You are more likely to rely on traditional ways of doing things as well as your experience of how the world works. Whereas, if you are a more intuitive person you tend to go with your gut when making choices and gathering data. You are also more able to use your imagination to decide how things work because you are good at envisioning things in an abstract way. This enables you to come up with original ideas that others might not consider.
- How You Make Decisions
With decision making, Jung believed that people were thinking or feeling or a combination of the two but usually leaned to one side on how they make decisions. Thinking people are logical and reasonable. However, if you’re one of these types you can be critical and hard. You tend to ask a lot of questions. Whereas if you’re a feeling decision maker you will use your innate ability of empathy, compassion and acceptance to make choices that align with your accommodating and tender personality.
- How You Live Your Life
As you’re living your life you may be the type of person who is either judging or perceiving. If you’re a judging person you are very systematic, scheduled and methodical. You like to get started early and will typically choose a method that allows for more planning than your perceiving counterparts who are more open, casual and spontaneous. Perceiving people tend to be more likely to need a little push or outside pressure such as a deadline to get things done than the judging personality.
Once you understand these four dichotomies it makes it easier to understand how the test works to determine your personality. But, you may still wonder why you should take the test. Let’s go over a few aspects of that.
- Who Uses The Test?
Usually the test is used in education, career counseling, team building, professional development and life coaching. Individuals can use the test as well to help gain insight into their lives as they choose their life path.
- Why Do They Use the Test?
It’s used in any area that addresses the need for either an individual or a team to function better in life by using introspection and self-study to help you make better choices, enhance positive traits and learn import tools to deal with negative personality traits.
- How Does the Test Help Achieve Success?
The test helps give you new insight and awareness about your personality that you might not have otherwise. Organizations and groups can learn to work better together by sharing each other’s results openly.
- How Can the Test Help an Individual?
You will have many “aha” moments as you read your results. You’ll learn which career path is best for you, and even how to enhance the good aspects of your personality while turning potential negative factors into positives.
Learning as much as you can about yourself is something everyone should seek to do. You may feel that this is silly since, after all you are –you—and you think you know yourself well enough. But, the truth is, taking this personality test and getting the results can change your life and set you up for untold success if you let it.