You can’t walk around with blinders on and ignore the fact that Black People have been discriminated against since forever. It is time that we truly listen to their experiences and become active in our anti-racism work.
We’ve been having the hard uncomfortable yet necessary conversations in our home … checking our bias and the influence of the system we grew up in, him in the US and me in Germany… both different yet the same …
There are people out there saying they didn’t see racism until 12 years ago or some other time frame… I immigrated 27 years ago and saw it from the day I arrived … the hate I receive for being an immigrant is zero compared to what Black People have to endure every damn day and what you need to ask yourself is the question from Jane Elliot in this video …
Please visit this page to read and learn more!
I also know that I can go running in any neighborhood without the fear of being shot or go to the park to bird watch without being threatened with having the police called on me due to the color of my skins.
My job as the owner of the Rebels Den isn’t just to help people reach goals and find success in just being true to them. I started it to also amplify the voices whose stories need telling. I know discrimination and prejudice due to being LGBT and an immigrant but I don’t know what it’s like to be Black in a world that has always treated them less than.
And I refuse to sit on the sidelines and just not do anything, there’s a bigger responsibility at play here. I know I am more of a non-conflict silent type and do my work behind the scenes but the time has come for me to be vocal about it. I will be using my platform to speak about it, to share resources and stories for those who are willing to share them.
They are painful to listen to and bring rage … and dammit they should. You and I should be angry and we need to actively participate in the anti-racism work!
I’ve been diving through these articles and resources (I didn’t create them!!) and have my actions points in place… and want to share these articles + resources with you!
Black People are tired of explaining it. They are exhausted and emotional spent. And if you ask how you can become a stronger ally, read it and take action.
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
Not sure what you can do – there are 75 different things on this page that you can do to be an ally!
Anti-racism resources
This document is intended to serve as a resource to white people and parents to deepen our anti-racism work. If you haven’t engaged in anti-racism work in the past, start now. Feel free to circulate this document on social media and with your friends, family, and colleagues.
What not to say because some of should just never be said
Sometimes we spew things that are better left unsaid … please please please stop saying these things!
Here’s the thing, All Lives can’t matter until black lives do. White people have controlled and dictated how people who are different than them are to be treated. Because saying All Lives Matte as a response to Black Lives, that’s saying the fire department needs to spray down all the houses in the neighborhood even though only one house is on fire … because all houses matter. Of course it does, but your’s isn’t on fire.
There are some amazing books to help understand and dismantle Racism – check them out here! The time has come in which we can’t walk around with blinders on and do nothing!