Why a blog when you could be recording videos and add them to social media platforms. For me personally, it’s because I love to write more than I like to record videos.
And over the last 20 years I have started, let go of and continued several blogs and even brought me some struggles but I keep returning to writing and need to really get clear on why a blog.
It comes down to that blogging is more than just a marketing tool, it’s a way for me to share my world with you, express myself about various topics and also show off a thing or two I am good at.
But I know that for many a blog feels overwhelming and just another thing on their list of things to do. But the truth is that a blog can bring you more traffic and leads as well as share your world with everyone – and it can still include video.
On Mondays, I release an interview on the blog – not just on YouTube. And once a month I am aiming to release a video on how to achieve your goals or some other topic that could benefit you.

So why would you start a blog?
What if I told you that one of your blogs could, in fact, change someone’s life for the better?
What if you tell a story of an experience you had and you show how you made through it and give someone else the hope to do the same?
Or maybe you are creative, and you share with the world how you write a song or a book, create an art piece or teach them to do something and th next thing you know you have a new fan that supports you or purchases one of your creations?
And now you have someone that keeps coming back for more information about what you do, how you do it and why you do it.
Every time I sit down at my desk to write, I ask myself, what do my people need or want to know?
The Rebels Den is as much me sharing my fun stuff and the adventures I take, highlighting people following their own passions, dreams + goals and giving information on how you can be your best self doing what you love.
And let’s not forget that people go on search engines looking for information and if you share your world with everyone else, you are offering them some kind of solution.
Maybe someone is looking for the perfect handmade gift? Or the perfect song or simply learning that they aren’t alone with their struggles in this world.