What is purged creates space for the new

Every day your mind carries prominent beliefs that stop you from fully engaging in your life.
Every day your heart is aching for forgiveness and move into a space of love.
Every day your body reminds you of taking care of yourself.
This is the time to purge your beliefs, allow yourself to embrace the blessings and step into forgiveness. It’s okay to feel grief and have a good cry. This does not make you weak. In fact, it will help you release what has been weighing you down so you can move into the space of healing your wounds.
If necessary, detoxify your body by changing your diet, doing a cleanse or drink more water. Whatever feels right to you, do that. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor to make sure you do not cause yourself any harm. But just increasing your water intake can help revitalize your body and your spirit.
Declutter your home, one room at a time, to help shift the energy in your living space. Hanging onto things that no longer fit into your life, have a tendency to drag you down or keep you stuck.
Sometimes the purge is slow while at other times it needs to be radical.
Maybe you need to cut off all your hair or give it a drastic color change. I have seen this a few times that when a woman cuts her hair, change is about to happen.
Maybe you need to get rid of all the clothes that no longer fit. You know the ones you’ve been waiting to fit into again? Here’s a thought I want to share with you: Your wardrobe will change over time and you can always purchase no clothes that fit you better than the ones you keep hanging onto.
Maybe you need to let go of old bedsheets and blankets and get ones that help you feel calm and refreshed.
Maybe you need to let go of people that drag you down, you already know a person in your life like that. It’s okay to let people go with love and recognize that they were only here for part of the journey.
And maybe it’s time for you to shed the thoughts, beliefs, and stories you’ve been telling yourself that hinder you from moving forward.
Give yourself permission to purge and make space for the new.

About the author

Petra Monaco is an artist, author, and professional problem solver for creatives, rebels, and multi-passionates.

She is here to help you remove frustration from your life and achieve your creative dreams with more ease and confidence.

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