This Never Give Up Hope – Interview with Carol Graham was recorded in 2015 but it’s still as important today as it was back then!
Once upon a time I hated talking about me and my story. The memories, the pain was all too much to bear. It was like I was reliving all that I experienced and frankly who wants to relive trauma? I certainly don’t, but on my own healing journey and with the support of some close people, I became a warrior.
And being a warrior means you are going into battle doing what you must and turn with your battle scars. Some warriors don’t make it but I am grateful that I am here and I get to change the world – one day at a time.
Putting your story out there is scary but your message to the world is so much bigger than yourself – once I got this in my head I tackled the fear of being heard and seen. I made it my mission – a goal if you will because by never giving up hope and never giving up on myself, I am making things happen that in the not so long past, I only dreamt about.
I hope you take a listen to the interview because it is really my core message of changing your life and you absolutely have the power to do so.
Sometimes it can be so easy to just give in or give up but do you really want to take the easy way out or do you want to embrace the powerful person you are and make that change you’ve been desiring?
I encourage you to listen to my interview with Carol Graham – Never Give Up Hope because I openly share my experiences as a foster child but also the journey of my son’s at times traumatic medical journey.
My recipe for you:
Dream. Believe. Take Action.
And then throw in some Hope and Faith!
I’ve since then released a book called Dream Believe Take Action that you can purchase here!