All too often we worry about how to be confident in any given situation. There’s usually a lot of focus on the negative parts of the mindset that we forget the power words that I find we need to build on more.
Confidence is one for those that require more attention to overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Yes, we all need to do work on those but feeling good should be a priority. Sometimes we really on others too much to help us feel good but we only need ourselves for reassurance.
And because we have the power on how to feel about ourselves, we can do something about it.
So just how to become more confident?
Appear confident
There is something to be said about “fake it till you make it”. No one needs to know how you feel, not your customers or clients – ever. Sure, there is something to be said about transparency but everything has a time and place for it. Use it as a teaching moment is usually a better way. When we look confident, we will feel confident. Voila!
In my businesses, I work from home 90% of the time and this means I have a choice between staying my pj’s or get dressed. When I decide to put on some clothes it immediately shifts something for me and I am already feeling more confident in what I do.
Posture is everything
Body language says so much about how we feel about ourselves. Changing our posture can be hard at first but having your shoulders and spine straight and your chin up is not only good for your body but your confidence. So, pay attention to how you position yourself at home and in public and make a conscious effort to show confidence.
A smile does go a long way! For many years people would tell me to smile or ask me what’s wrong when I was happy as a clam. I don’t need to go around smiling all day but trying to smile shows confidence and makes others feel good. And I am in the business of helping you feel good and transform your life!
Acknowledge your talents and qualities
Doing this will help you from continuously pointing out your flaws. to help you, think about the compliments you received and the successes you can celebrate. Graduating from college or writing a book on all things that help you feel good and confident!
Look at what is standing in your way
Sometimes looking at what is hindering us from feeling confident can help us shift your thinking and how we feel. Perhaps you missed a deadline on a project. It’s not the end of the word and luckily there is something you can do about it. You can refocus on your purpose for the project, set a new deadline and write smaller doable steps to get it done. Checking off those action steps will help you grow your confidence!
Confidence is a process that happens over time and sometimes it still is shaken up but knowing that you can do something about it will help you along the way. Use these 5 steps to help you grow and nurture your confidence!
And something that I found to be helpful is the 50 ways to rock your life. It’s free!