Wild Creative will be an 8-week journey in creating – Creating space, art, writing…bringing creation into our lives. There will be talking about healing and how creation can support you.
There will be art tutorials, interviews, and so much more. And I am so excited to be part of this 8-week journey.
It’s more than just an art class – it’s a journey in learning not only how to create but what creating can bring into our lives and souls.
You can expect to hear a chat with me and Shai – the SEO and mastermind behind this journey. And I just gotta say, she is one of my favorite people in this world and it was a no brainer for me to say YES to being a contributor.
During my darkest moments – when I didn’t know if my son would live and I had to stay steady with my hope and faith – it was the art of creation that helped me through each moment.
I cannot wait to share more with you in the conversation because you deserve to have all the tools and resources to help you with those days where everything just sucks.
The Wild Creative Journey is more than just a hobby, it’s a self-management tool and self-care activity that supports you in your healing journey.
The course starts on May 20th and never ends! We will run live for 9 weeks (with a break in the middle), but the course and the group are available forever as long as the business is running (and should I ever close up shop way in the far distant future, you will have the opportunity to download first!).
What if I don’t struggle with a mental illness or am not diagnosed
And if you read it all the way to the end then I have the honor to give 2 spots away but there’s a wee requirement.
You have to tell me WHY you want to be in this course and what you hope to get out of this!
Please shoot me a message here – because this starts on the 20th of May, make sure you get your answers to me sooner rather than later. Don’t hesitate to ask for something you want and need.
P.S. If you sign up for the journey, I will receive a small commission but at no extra cost to you!