Are you a multi-passionate, multi-faceted individual?
Do you have lots of interests, passions even?
Are you finding it difficult to figure out what to do first and you end up doing nothing at all?
All too often you may hear that you should focus on ONE thing. I call bullshit!
It’s not about the inability to focus on one project, it’s choosing which to go with first and sacrificing one of our passions is like going through
For multi-passionate focusing on one thing is just like giving them a death sentence. We are passionate about so many things, that denying just one – no thanks! Yes, we can focus for an hour or a day but after awhile either boredom set’s in or another idea sparks.
The key to making it all work is truly a personal journey of fitting the pieces together. I am going to share the things I do and maybe you can find a way to make it work for you.
Let’s call it the multi-passionate guide to getting things done!
Ready? Okay, here we go!
Think about what you want your week to be like and feel like.
Emphasis on the feeling! This is an important piece to know as this will allow you to structure your week in a way that feels good. Get visual and write it out. Include the things you want to do and what you want to experience.
Do you want to create art? Go into nature? Work on your business? Go on a date? Have a massage or spa day? Read a book?
Yes, you can have time for all those things once you know what it is that you would like to create.
How much time to you want to spend on each of those things?
Now figure out how much time you want to spend on creating art, being in nature or work on/in your business. Do you want to spend a whole day doing art? Do you want to work in your business 4, 6 or 16 or more a week?
I spend about 6-8 hours working my business 5 days a week. This includes connecting on Facebook, writing blog posts, talking with clients and working on client projects. I prioritize my day around client projects first and then my own activities.
I dedicate one full day to art and sometimes I make it two days. And then sometimes I add on an hour or so during the week.
Plan your day accordingly.
At the end of my work-ish day, I spend time planning the next day. I look at the things that I need to get done for clients, for my own business and whatever else I want to make room and time for. Remembering all the things I want to be, do, have and create helps me support my many passions. Multi-passionate type does well tapping into intuition.
Do the things!
And then, of course, you should execute and follow through on your plans and actions. Sitting around, scrolling through Facebook for hours on end, isn’t exactly getting things done. Decide, again connect with your intuition, what is important right now. The key to filling your passions and living is to do them!
Sometimes, multi-passionate lets a project go to the wayside, just to pick it up later again. This is okay, seriously!
For me sometimes is to look at all the things I want or need to do and then batch my time accordingly. I spend a few hours creating content, writing blog posts and schedule them out. This gives me room and time to create and do other things and not feel overwhelmed on client days.
I begin every day by looking at the projects I’ve got going on. I have set client days so that makes this easy enough. I also look at what I can batch in a session or three and schedule them in. Which then gives me an overview of my what you could consider free time.
My recommendation is to batch what you can i.e.