How to change your habits with these simple steps

How to change your habits with these simple steps will help you get started when you want to create a lifestyle or productivity change. I’ve been getting questions in my inbox that I decided to just answer in this space right here and today’s question is how to shed bad habits and overcome them so that you can maintain them successfully!

First of all, you have to be clear on what habits you have that you want to remove or change. Without that clarity, you are not going to get very far!
Start with a list of the habits that you want to change, get rid of or start doing.

And it’s really just a choice! It’s a decision that you make but it starts with that clarity and once you have that you can sit down and brainstorm.
You already know some ways that you want to change them, jot down your ideas to make a list of actions you can take.

I like to encourage is to start small because you’re not going create your success overnight. Sometimes it can take a lifetime!

So you can start with the goal or habit you want to change. And create an action plan that includes only three to five times a week, maybe once or twice a day. If you’re trying to change a habit or achieve a goal and work on it for seven days a week you’re not gonna achieve that.

It just feels so much and so overwhelming and then you take that goal you have in mind, the habit you want to build on or you want to remove on and say to yourself:

Okay, I’m not going to do this for three days out of the week.
Let’s say you want to change the way you eat breakfast.
For three days a week, you’re not going to eat such-and-such food for breakfast and maybe replace it with something else.

There’s always something that’s going to be replaced when you try to build a habit or change a habit. And if you do this with pacing yourself, you will achieve your goal with more ease.

When the 3 days feel good and normal, you can add days to this.
Maybe you want to start working out.

Start with one to two days a week maybe three days a week start with walking for 10 minutes a day and build on that until it becomes a daily thing for you.

Don’t set out with this goal of being overly ambitious and saying yes I’m gonna do this for seven days a week that is a stretch and it’s too much because I guarantee you that you’re not going to want to walk seven days a week.

You’re also going to need a downtime and rest time!

  • Set that goal
  • Make it small action steps
  • Do this for 3/4 days
  • Practice this for 2-3 weeks
  • Then build on that!

Maybe your goal is to finally write that book!
You can write two days a week and you’re writing 2,000 words per session and then build on that so that it becomes normal for you.

You can’t dive in and expect yourself to be successful immediately.
You have to go slow and build on that.

Do you struggle to stay on top of your day to day tasks to keep up with your habit changes?

All too often it seems there is just no time left to work on things that will move us toward our goals and aspirations.

About the author

Petra Monaco is an artist, author, and professional problem solver for creatives, rebels, and multi-passionates.

She is here to help you remove frustration from your life and achieve your creative dreams with more ease and confidence.

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