Success has a different meaning for different people but everyone has been told these lies at one point or another and I am wanting to challenge some of the myths.
Everything happens for a reason
This depends inherently on your belief system. And it may even be the most challenging one. There is no doubt in my mind that every experience I had in my life, helped shape the woman I am. And maybe that is truly why I had all of those experiences occur. And yet at the same time, we live in a free will kind of state and we have to really look at each moment and situation carefully. It’s easy to make use “everything happens for a reason” as an excuse and deflect our own responsibility.
No such thing as failures
While I agree with this as I consider failures as lessons learned or to learn from, it’s another one of those things that we tend to hide behind. So what if the decision, event or relationship was a failure. It doesn’t mean you are a failure. But instead, we really ought to be looking at all of it as a student of life and see what we can gain from this.
Take responsibility
Yes! We are responsible for our own lives and sometimes things happen that we are not responsible for. It’s who you are and what you do after, that matters. It’s in those moments that we need to acknowledge, we are not victims but instead, we are survivors and warriors and know that how we show up matters.
No commitment, no success
If you don’t commit to your dreams and goals, then how do you expect them to unfold? They aren’t just going to land in your lap one day.
You need to have all the answers
Newsflash: No you don’t! Sometimes the answers don’t start coming to you until you have started to take action towards something.
Overnight success is a thing
Seriously, no one has conquered Rome or Mt. Everest overnight. And to think that overnight success is a thing is just an illusion to what people want you to think. That it was easy, and truly it isn’t.
Success will make all the problems go away
That’s like saying that winning the lottery equals happiness. You can have all the money in the world and still be freaking miserable. Success may remove or change some things, but it will also bring forth a new set of problems. What matters is how you handle them.
People will like you more
If you are trying to be successful for the sake of validation and having people like you, stop. If you do not like yourself, how can you expect anyone else to like you? Your dreams and goals should never be based on another’s opinion, but purely on your heart and soul.
What success looks and feels like is inherently based on your values, thoughts, beliefs, opinions that you hold. What may be a success for one person, maybe something completely different for another?