There are a number of ways to do marketing for writers effectively. Here are some of the top ways to sell well:
- A Great Cover
People really DO judge a book by its cover, so make sure yours is as good as anything you would see on a store shelf. Hire a freelancer at to turn your vision of your cover into a work of art.
- A Great Blurb and Teaser Copy
The “blurb” is what goes on the back of the book. The teaser copy can be on the back as well, or on the first page inside the book (you can put the blurb there too). These pieces of content are both designed to encourage the browser to read more.
- A Great Author Website and Webpage
Be proud of your work and showcase it on your site. Also make it a place where you are accessible, and interact with people through comments, questions and so on.
- See Yourself as a Brand
Brands like Coke, Nike and McDonaldís all have a unified marketing plan, in which every ad or other material build on the brandís image and reputation. In a similar way, see your author name (or pen name) as a brand you wish to present in a certain way, and donít want to damage or dilute.
If you want to write a different genre, create a different pen name and website or blog for it. For example, writer Nora Roberts is a brand synonymous with romance, and J. D. Robb, her second pen name, is synonymous with mystery and suspense.
- Give Interviews
People always wonder what it is like to be a writer. Give interviews and post them at your site.
- Attend Publishing Conferences and Writing Groups in Your Genre and Geographical Area
People do business with people they like. Attending live events and networking with publishing professionals, other authors, and aspiring authors, can lead to all sorts of promotional opportunities. It also makes you more visible and shows you are someone who cares about your craft.
- Be Charitable
Giving things away may seem an odd way to make money, but “giving back” to new writers or donating your profits to a worthy cause can create a lot of goodwill and show you are a good person, not just a “greedy author”.
- Join Writer-Related Organizations
Romance Writers of America, The Authorís Guild and so on can all help raise your profile.
- Leverage Social Media
Have a social media account for your writing at all of the top social sites, such as:
- Tumblr
- YouTube
Keep fans up to date on all your news.
- Create a Facebook Contest
Contests are a great way to grab attention.
- Give a Webinar
Host a webinar about how to become a better writer, and give attendees a special discount on your books. You can do this through PayPal or create a store for yourself at a site like Gumroad.
- Get Book Reviews
As soon as your book is done, start gathering reviews for it. They can really make a difference when it comes to sales.
- Organize Book Signings
If you have a paper book, organize book signings at bookstores, your local libraries and so on.
Follow these marketing tips and see your sales increase as a result.