When it comes to individual happiness there is a school of thought that the type of employment you are in and the work you sign up for should be built around your passions. That along with having a strong, healthy relationship and financial stability are what you are striving for.
This however isn’t always possible. You might be with the majority whereby you need to work to support your family and pay the bills. Let’s be honest, some of the things you are passionate about may not facilitate careers that enable enough earnings to be made to support your responsibilities.
That doesn’t mean however that you need to stop having passions or hobbies. They are still extremely important in order to support your overall happiness and well-being. You just need to ensure they are being bought into your life in a different way.
Why It Is Important To Have A Passion
Passions are something that you enjoy. They give you a spark and motivation to learn something new, to find ways to focus on what makes you happy, and recharge your energy and focus upon yourself. A passion can be anything that you enjoy, for some it may be buying new art supplies and getting creative, for others it could be experiencing different foods and cuisines or even following and playing a particular sport. Finding something you are passionate about and embracing challenges will make you ultimately happier.
Why Find A Passion Outside Of Work
You probably already know that there is a thought process whereby chasing passion in the workplace can increase your enjoyment, engagement, and overall performance, it isn’t always viable. In some jobs, it can take many years to reach a point within your career where you have the free rein to actively be permitted to pursue your passions within the workplace. For some, it just isn’t always viable due to financial considerations.
For the majority being able to pursue a passion within your working life is seen as more of a luxury.
For this very reason, it is important to find and make time outside of your career and working life to ensure that your other needs are being met. By making time regularly to focus on your passions through hobbies you will be able to strike the balance between working to ensure your financial needs are met and having the confidence that you have acted responsibly and covered your necessary needs, whilst actively making the effort to ensure that you are still investing in your own well being.
Benefits Of Taking Up A Hobby
By actively pursuing your hobbies you are going to find yourself creating and building new relationships with other like-minded people who share similar interests. You will be able to focus on your own interests and build up your own self-worth and confidence attached to doing something you love, and usually are good at, improving yourself by learning and developing more skills in this area. You will also find your mental health improving, reduce your levels of stress and boost your creative side.