Since I was in my teens, I knew I am here to make an impact. What I didn’t know was that it requires waking up for your life and living from the heart. I struggled for a long time watching as others reached their dreams.
I was frustrated and feeling blocked from figuring out how to create my own shift. I almost settled into a life that I was already living but a voice inside me said no way in hell are you meant to stay stuck here.
I noticed a heaviness in my spine, a feeling I get when something isn’t quite right. I became aware of the negative thoughts I held one too and the negative energy that kept surrounding me. It was like I was a vacuum for everyone else’s negative beliefs and I just couldn’t take it anymore.
Here is what I learned when you are ready for waking up for your own life.
You will notice that parts of your core values have shifted. You no longer identify with parts of your personality. You no longer tolerate the behaviors of others and are creating boundaries.
You are having a new thirst for knowledge and are heading on a quest. You research self-development and gorge on self-help books and blogs. You are in search of the messages that resonate with you that will bring you the a-ha moment.
You notice the potential of others and become frustrated when they are not stepping up to the plate. This reflects your own potential asking you to step up in your life.
You procrastinate because your inner voice is criticizing you and makes you wonder what the hell you are thinking to try to live a better life. You are procrastinating because you fear the objections and rejections of other people when you are ready to Jump Up & Shine.
You engage in some self-destructive behavior removing the opportunity to feel. Perhaps you are keeping busy with the belief you can’t sit still. Or maybe you are craving food and alcohol to avoid with your emotions.
And then you take action!
Action on what your heart is telling you because you know that you can’t keep living like this. You can’t keep living with the logic being the rule of your mind. Logic is where you contemplate your survival such as how you will pay your bills.
When I was ready to let go of just surviving, I started living. In my own experience, I learned to live from my heart and allow my intuition to guide me. My pain and frustrations are moments of awareness of thoughts and habits I needed to change so that I could design my own life.
And I share with you everything I learned and more in The Gathering. So when you’re ready to show up for your life and start living from the heart, I invite you to join me!