Stop setting resolutions because they are a crapshoot of setting yourself up for failure.
For years and years, I set resolutions about writing that book, or be more healthy and even have better relationships with people.
And it was only a matter of weeks when all of my resolutions flew out of the window and I was in the same spot as the year before.
I started to doubt that I would ever make my ideas a reality because if I couldn’t even stick to my resolutions, how would I ever have the kind of life that I wanted?
I knew something needed to change and I discovered the most important pieces that were missing!
My Why: I needed something that dug deep into the heart of why I wanted to create the change. Without a solid why, however, I lost my momentum.
My why fuels the purpose of the books I have written and the books I am still planning to write.
My why gives me a reason for my mission to be healthier as it addresses the reasons for changing the food I eat and the motivation to exercise.
My why also helped me uncover the kind of relationships I wanted to have and what they would mean to my overall wellbeing and day-to-day life.
Do you know the why behind the changes you want in your life?
If you want to have the best year, then get clear on what you want. Which leads to the next point of my discovery!
My Vision: Without a vision of what I wanted my life to feel like and really visualize what that means, I would continue to get up every morning and exist in the life I had created up to that point.
Writing out my vision for my life and then narrow it down to the year, I was able to uncover who I wanted to be, what I wanted to do and what I wanted to have.
And before I knew it, the vision not only became a wee bit bigger than myself, but I know had a map that I could use to develop my goals.
Goals have a much greater impact than resolutions.
What is the vision you have for your life and how can you start towards this vision now?
There is a sweet spot for goal setting and it’s right in between short-term and long-term. Resolutions tend to be rather short-term and again without the why I found that nothing would change.
And setting lifetime goals can feel too far out of reach. So why write your visions?
So you can break them down!
You don’t build a house overnight, nor do you travel across the country in a car in one day.
Change occurs in small incremental steps.
And when you write your vision for the next year, allow your intuition to guide you. Don’t listen to the negative voices in your head or allow the judgment of others to filter into your thoughts.
Instead, give yourself permission to dream uncensored.
This means that your vision includes everything you want to be, do and have interests, with passion, healthier you and better relationships – or whatever calls you!
So just how did this process change my life?
The moment I wrote out my vision, I was able to see who I wanted to become, the things I wanted to do and the things I wanted to have in my life. And when I am talking about “having” I am not just talking about material things.
So it looks like this:
- Write the vision. You can start with a whole life vision and then the year, or just the year. Don’t forget to include all the reasons why and how you will feel at each moment your vision comes true.
- Choose Be, Do and Have Goals based on your vision. And yes you may have left something off of your vision, that’s okay! You can rewrite your vision if you want to!
- Create 90-Day action plans for each goal. Start with the goal and then brainstorm all the steps required to complete the goal.
- Tune into your intuition of when during the year this would feel really amazing. And usually, the thing that gets you most excited is THE goal to start with.
Some key points for you:
This is YOUR vision and not someone else’s and you’re going to need to be okay with the side-eye from friends and family.
Your vision may change just tap back into that part that gives you purpose and motivation. Sometimes you may need to rewrite your vision until you get to the point of OMG THIS IS IT!
You will doubt yourself and your ability to achieve your goals. This is normal but doesn’t feed the fears!
The moment you decide to stop setting resolutions:
Will create a ripple effect in all areas of your life.
When you know who you want to be, you become that person.
When you know what to do you will stop the procrastination dilemmas.
When you know what you want to have and why you will give your life purpose.
Are you willing to stop setting resolutions and allow yourself to set goals that are driven by your intuition and recognize that you have a bigger purpose in life?
Kickstart your dreams with me
Where Mindset meets Strategy meets Guidance on how owning your own power and unleash yourself is the recipe for Creative Rebels and Passionate who are done living in a box and have the support they need to go the extra step.