Journaling Counts As Self Care because every single day, we are constantly flooded with information and emotions brought up by everything we experience. And to process your feelings can be both positive and negative, and we must healthily process all of them. Focusing on positives while working through negatives properly is an important part of self-care.
You Can Be Honest
Journaling allows you to be completely raw and honest with yourself. You don’t have to worry about what someone might think if you express certain emotions honestly, and you can feel safe. Journaling also lets you practice self-awareness. Much like how saying something out loud can help you hear how ridiculous it sounds journaling can help you SEE if you are overreacting to something innocuous.
It Can Help You Remember What To Be Grateful For
A great way to shift the focus off of your negative feelings is to make a list of things that you are thankful for, or that made you happy each day. This can be ANYTHING from the perfect cup of coffee, to getting a hug from a loved one. Just write down everything that had a positive impact on your day. This is a great way to end your journaling sessions on a high note and put you in a happier and more relaxed mindset.
It Gives You Quiet Time
Taking the time to journal your feelings each day gives you a scheduled quiet time with yourself and your feelings. You can sit quietly with your emotions, and figure out WHY certain things make you feel negative. You can take the time to work through your triggers, and not allow pain from your past to control your future.
Helps You Keep Track Of Repeated Issues
By making a point of journaling your feelings and experiences each day, you will be able to get a fix on things that keep happening that affect you negatively. This will allow you to avoid these situations, and/or figure out how to fix them. As you weed out these issues, you will be able to more confidently navigate your day-to-day life.
Lets You Blow Off Steam
Sometimes it would be nice to really tell someone that has been hurting you what you think of them and hurt them back. However, this can lead to a lot of other bad situations; and can often be counter-productive to try to live a more healthy and peaceful life. This is where journaling can come in very handy. Instead of verbally lashing out at the person or people, write down what you wish you could say to them. No consequences, just you and your journal. If you can/want, you can also even read it out loud as if they were there.
The important thing here is that you’ve gotten that negativity out of your system so it doesn’t fester and explode. Once you’ve written it all out and possibly read it out alone, tear that page out of your journal and dispose of it however you want. This will help keep you from revisiting and reigniting any negative feelings you just took the time to get out.
I hope these ways that journaling counts as self-care have inspired you to start journaling on your own! It’s a wonderful way to process both positives and negatives that you go through in your life.