Changing my life meant going on a journey of gratitude. When you are in the trenches of life, of the unknown and in the struggle, you are given situations and even opportunities to change and to make the leap to grow.
There is no denying that I struggled in my life, that I was in the trenches more than I can think about in one moment. And yet I know that each experience was also a lesson.
And I suppose that when my youngest son was diagnosed with this rare genetic disorder, the Universe was trying to make sure I finally wake up.
Walk on the Level of your Soul
It was time to look at me, my life and the people that were in it and decide that I could no longer go on the way I had existed.
And this isn’t something that can be taught but I made the space to be guided by my soul.
It meant to become more present in each moment and to walk some of it alone and yet I was never truly alone. But the experience, the feelings, the knowledge I held combined with my soul made an impact. It set me free from conformity and broke the chains trying to contain who I really am.
Soul walk doesn’t just happen!
It starts with a wake-up call! 8 years ago, on this day, my son received his first donated liver. A few days after he needed his second liver. The month that followed, they were hard.
The kind of hard that is incredibly difficult to put into words. For a moment, I saw him not breathing, and the doctors doing their best to bring him back. It’s in that moment you lean into trust. Give your soul permission to guide you.
It’s knowing that in each moment you are okay!
It meant that because of the medical advances, technology my son could receive this amazing gift of life. There isn’t a day I don’t think about the families who made the choice. The choice to give the gift of life.
I am so grateful for the families but also the soul journey that followed because it would mean nothing if I don’t walk on the level of my soul.
I had to get naked from all the shit I was feeding my mind with. Reframe the messages and the norms I was taught.
It was time to begin a new draft. A new story but one that is co-authored by my soul.
This doesn’t mean the struggle stopped, quite the opposite. But it taught me that gratitude is much more than just being thankful for what is.
It is being grateful for the lessons, the experiences, and the journey. This kind of gratitude is truly hard to explain because is a feeling from within.
And here is my message to you:
Until you are truly ready for this kind of a soul walk – you will without a doubt, struggle, experience hardships and wonder when your life will change.
And your life will change when you are ready to go into the darkness and come out into the light.
It is dark and scary and all too often overwhelming because of the unknown and gazillion what-if’s swirling in your head.
But in this moment, what if you could be present and reflect on where you have been, where you are and where you are envisioning to be going with your life.
Gratitude isn’t something that can be taught. It becomes a journey of gratitude.
It is something you experience.
It is something you feel deep in your existence.
Because I can tell you to write down what you are grateful for 10 times a day all day long, but unless you are ready to shed the bullshit it won’t matter and your soul will bring you that wake-up call if you don’t start listening to your soul now.
Allow your soul to guide you.
If you are ready to look at yourself in a different light, to really walk on the level of your soul, then join the Rebel Shine Bootcamp where you get to explore who you are, what you are about and go onto a journey gratitude!