Living in the moment is freedom. And in a world where you are told living in the moment isn’t safe it is also a rebellion. When you can live in the here and now, you’ll gain freedom from worry, self-doubt, and guilt. Living in the moment promotes better health, improves relationships, and helps overcome stress. Use the following six tips to learn how to live in the moment for a happier and healthier life.
- Get out of your mind – Any time you notice you’re in your mind and thoughts but not actually enjoying or participating fully in whatever you’re doing right this moment, get out of them. Use a word or strategy to help you notice when this happens, such as grounding by seeing right where you are. When you overthink everything, it’s hard to move forward. The more you think, the more you will likely mess up or become stressed.
- Don’t focus on your future – Instead, do the thing you’re worried about. Do it now, if possible. Yes, maybe you want a house, but you don’t have the money for the down payment. It’s okay, don’t worry. Start saving money and move on from that thought. Please don’t dwell on the fact you are not in a home yet. The only authentic action you can take right now is to save money, so focus on that. Only focus on what you can make happen.
- Be ok with nothing – Living in the moment means you may not always be actively doing something. You might just be sitting there, and that is ok. Look around you and see what you might not have noticed before while you were to worry about doing something. You might find or learn something new about yourself. Boredom is a catalyst for creativity.
- Let go of the past – Forget about the mistakes you made in the past. View your mistakes as learning lessons never to repeat. Stop using the valuable time you have now thinking about your past mistakes or what could have been. Instead, if you are thinking about “what could have been,” go out and make it happen now.
- Understand your why – Why do you feel the need to live in the moment more? What exactly are you doing that is preventing it? Focus on it and see what you can do to fix it or eliminate the roadblocks in place, preventing you from focusing on the now.
- Lose track of time – Stop looking at the clock every time you go somewhere or while you are doing something. Living in the moment means you are enjoying it, and time will go by fast. Don’t distract yourself with things that don’t matter now, like what time it is. If you look up and are worried about how much time has passed or that the event is about to be over, you are already distracting yourself. Immediately stop and get back to what you were doing.
Living in the moments allows you to value life and free yourself from stress and other needless worries. It will enable you to open your life to contentment and ultimate happiness. If you work on living in the moment, you will find yourself feeling happier in the long run.