After years of having a fixed, negative mindset, it’s tough to change one’s ways and think more positively. But with practice, you can create a more positive outlook on life. Here’s 30 ways to practice thinking more positively.
- When talking, replace negative words with positive words. Instead of saying “This is too hard”, say “I can do this” or “I accept this challenge”.
- When thinking, use empowering words; those that make you feel strong, happy, motivated and in control.
- Journal your thoughts. Celebrate your successes. Document and analyze the losses. Find where you went wrong and plan to do better next time. Learn from your mistakes.
- Counter each negative thought with multiple positive thoughts. When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, take a moment to think two or three positive thoughts.
- Go somewhere that brings you peace and happiness. This might be a nature walk, a quiet place like a museum that is visually appealing, an area where you listen to music, a park where you can watch kids and pets play happily. As often as possible, visit this place where you feel peace and happiness.
- Practice positive affirmations. The more you practice, the easier it will become.
- Forgive yourself for missteps. It happens. The important this is not to dwell on them and keep moving forward.
- Surround yourself with positive people.
- Add inspiring visuals and colors to your home and work space.
- Look at things from a different point of view. When you can see both sides, you can eliminate a lot of negatively.
- Laugh aloud and often. There’s always something to laugh about. Smiling and laughing releases ‘feel good’ endorphins in the body.
- Remember your “why”. Why you are trying to be more positive, what your goals are, how things will be better once you meet your goals, etc.
- Practice gratitude. When you’re feeling thankful, you’ll feel more positive.
- Live in the moment. Stop worrying about yesterday or what’s coming. Do what you can do today to get one step closer to reaching your goals.
- Indulge yourself occasionally. You are working hard to be a more positive person. You deserve a small reward.
- Carry a funny photo with you. Save a funny video on your phone to give you a boost when you’re feeling down.
- Look at each challenge as an opportunity to grow. Strive for excellence.
- Relax. Sometimes you just need to step back, breathe deep and relax to get the good vibes flowing again.
- Get physically active to release more ‘feel good’ endorphins.
- Believe in yourself. The only thing keeping you from succeeding is your own negative thoughts. Stop getting in your own way.
- Stop making excuses and laying blame. Take responsibility for your actions and make the choice to do better next time.
- Observe your thought patterns. Are there certain times of the day when you’re feeling more negative? What can you do to make those times more positive?
- Ask yourself, does this really matter? Will it matter next week or next month? If not, let it go. This called not sweating the small stuff.
- Practice proper posture. Standing or sitting up with the back straight, shoulders back and chin up will help the mind and body feel better.
- Be kind to others. Compliment a stranger. Do something nice for coworker or friend. Call a family member you haven’t talked to in a while.
- Read something inspiring every day. Follow those who inspire you most and see what they do each day to make like the best it can be. Follow their lead.
- Dance and sing. It doesn’t matter if you have two left feet or can’t carry a tune. Crank up the music and give it all you’ve got.
- Look for the positive. Even in the worst of situations, there’s always something positive if you just look for it.
- Have a personal mantra. No matter what it is, these will be the words you live by each day that reminds you to be positive.
- Meditate, do yoga, concentrate on your breathing and relaxing your mind.
Challenge yourself to think more positively!