Today is all about finding ways to feel confident because way too many times, we doubt ourselves and frankly doubt is the NUMBER ONE killer of all dreams!
Alright, let’s do this!
- Write out what confidence means to you
- Brush your teeth and wash your face to feel fresh!
- Make a list of your achievements
- Clean and declutter a room in your home
- Dress in an outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks
- Learn something new! Sign up for a class or a course (and do it)
- Exercise doing your favorite workout
- Make a list of all the BS you are hanging onto or tolerating & create a plan to reduce
- Go hang out with friends
- Stop complaining – seriously, the less you complain the better
- Choose activities that matter to you
- Acknowledge the doubts and fears and then show yourself how silly they are
- Get rid of the unspoken rules that limit you in every way
- Go out and flirt or flirt with your partner! Flirting is like one of the best feel good activities. Let those sparks fly baby.
- Have a chat with someone you trust who can give you some perspective.
- Trust the gut! Your intuition doesn’t steer you wrong. Ever!
- Ask for help and delegate!
- Stop comparing your journey to someone else’s!
- Stop overthinking and overanalyzing!
- Find the happiness within you, not outside of you!
- Fall in love with yourself and become your own best friend.
- Be willing to take a risk!
- Focus on your vision to help you through the actions that feel challenging!
- Spend the day cleaning your home.
- Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror!
- Acknowledge something you love about yourself.
- Smile and smile often.
- Know your strength and weaknesses and be willing to learn more.
- Make success and expectation!
- Trust yourself and that you are capable of figuring it all out.
- Be open to receiving compliments.
- Keep a positivitiy journal! Write about all the good and amazing things in your life.
- Have good posture! When you sit up straight and walk tall, confidence follows.
- Practice daily gratitude.
- Give compliments without expectation.
- Speak up and use your voice.
- Visualize yourself in the way you want to feel and act.
- Create motto’s to help you keep focused.
- Practice affirmations.
- Help someone.
- Set boundaries that support you.
- Look at everyone as your peer not your competition.
- Self-employed? Change your environment to another location for a day.
- Initiate conversation and keep talking to new people.
- Find role models that inspire and motivate you.
- Fake it until you become it. This is about you tricking your brain!
- Know your values
- Acknowledge what you can or cannot control
- Have a daily mindset practice.
- Keep an acknowledgement log of all the things you took action on every day
- Develop a better opinion about yourself
- Reduce the negativity committee in your head
- Brainstorm possible solutions to a problem, pick one and take action.
- Learn from mistakes and move on.
- Unplug as often as you need to in order to destress and reduce overwhelm
- Get excited about your dreams and the possibilities
- Show compassion to yourself
- Set small goals and achieve them
- Behave in the way you want to be
- Do what you love and do it often
- Reframe the stories in your head as often as possible and necessary
- Let go of perfectionsim.
- Stop engaging in avoidance.
- Only appologize for things you had a hand in.
- Engage in volunteer work.
- Stop hanging out with peopke who bring you down.
- Surround yourself with people who build you up.
- Make eye-contact with people
- Get out into nature
- Have a dance party with your favorite tunes
- Create a morning ritual
- Choose foods that make you feel good
- Make a difference in someone’s life
- Be open to becoming more aware about self and your surroundings
- Own that you are self-reliant
- Become child-like in your life and being
- Stop falling into the pit of conformity in order to avoid chaos
- Validate yourself and reduce the need to be validated by others
- Be assertive (not passive aggressive)
- Embrace your imagination
- Commit to how you want to show up and act that way – just don’t be a douche
- Stop putting yourself down!
- Acknowledge your potential.
- Your parents confidence is NOT your confidence
- Start being responsible for your own life.
- Create a wall of confidence. Get those stickies out!
- Read books on personal development.
- Feel the fear but do it anyway.
- Embrace ‘I am’, ‘I will’, ‘I can” statements as often as possible
- Say yes as often as possible
- Starve the negativity gremline as often as possible
- Watch empowering videos on YouTube
- Make a list of people who you think are confident. Write out what that looks like.
- Clarify your intentions and set goals.
- Make a list of all your skills and talents.
- Acknowledge where you have played the victim. Choose a new role.
- Have fun and a lot of it.
- Take up a hobby and practice it often, like a child.
- Practice forgiveness and love often.
- Embody this phrase: I am willing to release the past and live fully in the present.
One of the best ways to feel confident however is to take consistent action towards one goal. And you can do this in the From Thought to Action Goal Challenge!