Setting goals and making it all happen

Setting goals and making it all happen
I set lots of high goals with doable action steps – every single month for personal, family and business. As a matter of fact, I have post-it notes hanging on the wall of things that I need to do to reach my next goals. They are there as a constant reminder to stay focused on what I want to achieve.
In the past, I would let that get to me that the to-dos aren’t moving or changing but as I look at my list today, it has changed. I have completed a few action steps and simply replaced them with the next few steps to follow.
I will often copy my goal list into my daily planner because when I am out and about and have a “minute” to work on a goal, I seize the opportunity.
Like today, I wrote a blog post for an upcoming segment while I was sitting the library on small pieces of paper just so I wouldn’t lose my train of thought – because really I will not remember the awesome opening had I told myself I will write it down later. It never happens that way.
I review my goals monthly with a mind-map of where I want to place my focus in that current moment. This helps me make sure I am still aligned with them and allow myself to free of goals and dreams that no longer suit me.

How to reach your goal in 4 steps:

  1. Begin with making a list of 10 things you want to accomplish in one month.
  2. Take each goal and break it down into the individual task.
  3. Schedule your task to spread them out over the month.
  4. And voila at the end of the month – you will have achieved a goal or three!

It is really that simply achieving the life you envision by small steps, making changes when you must to ensure you are in alignment with you and the space around you.

About the author

Petra Monaco is an artist, author, and professional problem solver for creatives, rebels, and multi-passionates.

She is here to help you remove frustration from your life and achieve your creative dreams with more ease and confidence.

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