How to Problem Solve

Before we can learn how to problem-solve we need to understand what it is. Problems are challenges or difficulties that need to be addressed or solved in some kind of way. Problems can be big or small, simple or complex, and can come from a variety of sources. Some common types of problems include:

  • Practical problems: These are problems that arise in everyday life and require a solution in order to move forward. Examples might include car troubles, a leaking roof, or a lack of money to pay bills.
  • Personal problems: These are problems that relate to an individual’s personal life or well-being, such as relationship issues, self-esteem, or mental health concerns.
  • Professional problems: These are problems that arise in the workplace or in a specific profession, such as difficulties with colleagues, a lack of resources, or problems with a project or task.
  • Societal problems: These are problems that affect a larger group of people or society as a whole, such as poverty, crime, or environmental issues.

Problems can be difficult and sometimes overwhelming, but by using effective problem-solving skills and strategies, it is often possible to find a solution and move forward.

man in black shirt and gray denim pants sitting on gray padded bench
Photo by Inzmam Khan on

There are many different approaches to problem-solving, and the best method to use can depend on the specific problem you are trying to solve. Here are a few general steps that you can follow when trying to solve a problem:

  1. Define the problem: Clearly identify and understand the problem you are trying to solve.
  2. Generate possible solutions: Brainstorm and come up with a list of potential solutions to the problem.
  3. Evaluate the potential solutions: Consider the pros and cons of each potential solution, and evaluate which ones are most likely to be effective.
  4. Choose the best solution: Select the solution that you think will be most effective at solving the problem.
  5. Implement the solution: Put the chosen solution into action.
  6. Evaluate the results: Once you have implemented the solution, assess whether it was successful in solving the problem. If it was not, you may need to go back to step 3 and consider alternative solutions.

It can also be helpful to break larger problems down into smaller, more manageable pieces, and to seek the input and advice of others when trying to solve a problem.

And in 2023 I am helping you with your questions, challenges, and problems you are facing. You may not know that I love problem-solving. Here is how it’s going to work:

 You can submit your question anonymously and I will give a few solutions on my weekly podcast. I wanted to create something that’s safe and free from judgment a place where you can still get some answers. And nothing is off-limits here! 

About the author

Petra Monaco is an artist, author, and professional problem solver for creatives, rebels, and multi-passionates.

She is here to help you remove frustration from your life and achieve your creative dreams with more ease and confidence.

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