How to create a Make it Happen Plan

Do you ever wonder how to finish your projects and achieve your goals? A make it happen plan can be just the trick that you need.

One of the challenges I have seen time and time again is that people set goals based on someone else’s thoughts and opinions of what you should do.

The challenge is that just because someone else thinks it’s a good idea, it may not be true for you or even aligned with who you are.

I can’t set a goal for my partner just like he can’t set a goal for me. Goals and dreams are personal and they come to us as individuals, not as a collective.
This doesn’t mean you can’t set goals together but the same notion still applies: You must want this!

Now what?

The next step is to brainstorm and map out all the actions you can think of that are going to be necessary. You may not be able to visualize all the steps, but don’t let that stop you from laying it all out as much as you can.
Some steps will emerge through the journey. Truly, we will know what we need to know when we are ready.

Got it! Now what?

Commit to your “make it happen” plan. Write down the actions into your planner and/or calendar. Don’t make excuses when the time comes to take action, instead dig in your heels and get to work.

And after a week or two, evaluate your progress. See what steps you have taken, how you feel about it all if you need to make some changes.
Rinse and Repeat!

But to really make things happen, a planner will be your best resources to keep track of what actions you’ll need to take.

Writing down your top 5 priorities every day and crossing them off, will not only make it happen, but will help you feel successful.

About the author

Petra Monaco is an artist, author, and professional problem solver for creatives, rebels, and multi-passionates.

She is here to help you remove frustration from your life and achieve your creative dreams with more ease and confidence.

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